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Welcome! / ¡Bienvenido!

A brick church with a large clock tower.A red question mark is shown on the side of a white background.

Welcome to our church! We have been serving the Chicago community for over a century. We are deeply rooted, historically and theologically, in the reciprocal relationship between education and justice. Our worship services, community outreach programs, adult ministries, and youth initiatives reflect this grounding. We believe that our purpose is to help those in need: to spiritually uplift our community, work toward greater good across the city, and to continually develop new leaders for the beyond. We do not require that you belong to any particular religious affiliation, we do not expect you to adopt any particular belief, nor do we expect you to offer financial support when you walk through our doors. We only ask that you welcome and support your fellow brothers and sisters, remain open to mental and spiritual transformation, and always try to return one good deed with another.

A brick church with a large clock tower.A red question mark is shown on the side of a white background.







¡Bienvenido a nuestra organización basada en la fe! Hemos estado sirviendo a la comunidad de Chicago por más de un siglo. Nuestros programas de alcance a la comunidad y las iniciativas a la juventud están diseñados para ayudar a aquellos en necesidad. No requerimos que usted pertenezca a alguna afiliación religiosa particular o apoye financieramente nuestra organización en alguna manera. Sí pedimos que usted devuelva una buena acción con otra. De esta manera, el ciclo de la compasión y la buena voluntad continúa indefinidamente.