Primera Iglesia Congregacional de Chicago – Carta Pastoral La Paz del Señor esté en ustedes. Iniciamos el mes de mayo; y ya en la segunda semana celebramos el Día de las Madres y la semana de la familia. Quizás en este año uno de los mejores regalos a las madres y a las familias…
We Want Peace !!!!¡Queremos paz !!!!
Religious leaders call for peace on Chicago streets. Community leaders, FCC and SELF join the rally to call for peace in Chicago streets. Líderes religiosos piden paz en las calles de Chicago. Líderes comunitarios, La Primera Iglesia y SELF se unen a la manifestación para pedir paz en las calles de Chicago.
Worship the Lord with Joy!¡Servid al Seńor con alegría!
As we near the end of October we approach a time where we might take a moment to celebrate and give thanks to God for our gifts and our life. Psalm 100 the writer invites us to be in a state of thankful joy. “Shout for joy to the Lord, of THE EARTH … Come…
God’s Grace is Free!¡La Gracia de Dios es Gratuita!
The grace of God be with you. The month of October that soon approaches, in which we remember the Protestant Reformation, is a perfect time to think about the grace of God. Perhaps the first thing to lift up is the importance of God’s grace and mercy. As Psalm 51 says:” According to your great…
Receptivos a la Visión de Dios
Unos días atrás el leccionario bíblico seleccionó el pasaje en el evangelio de Lucas 9:51-55. Trata del momento en que Jesús y sus discípulos no son recibidos por la gente de una pequeña aldea en Samaria. Algunos de los discípulos le dicen a Jesús: “Señor, ¿quieres que hagamos caer fuego del cielo para que los…
Bringing Love and Hope to the WorldLlevar el Amor y la Esperanza al Mundo
Today I say hello using one of the most famous phrases in Christianity: “Christ is risen!”, to which millions of people for many centuries have replied: “Indeed He is risen!” March closed with the celebration of Easter Sunday. The church has rediscovered that its strength as a community of faith is found in the risen…
In Search of MeaningEn busca de Sentido
Lent provides us with an opportunity to reflect on what is most important, to search for meaning in our lives and our world. Sometimes this reflection leads us to seek an idea or a rule that explains or summarizes life. Important people in the scientific community have invested much time and effort seeking a “theory…
Called by the EucharistLlamado por la Eucaristía
Every first Sunday of the month we celebrate the Eucharist or the Holy Communion. The central message of this sacrament is the love of God. God’s love is constant and freely expressed through Jesus Christ. Or as John’s Gospel proclaimed: “God so loved the world …” (John 3:16). In John, the Messiah comes on a…
A New Year Brings New PossibilitiesUn Nuevo Año Trae Nuevas Posibilidades
We have reached the end of 2012 and prepare for a new year. Some might remember the old saying: “There is nothing new under the sun.” But a perspective like this, that “There is nothing new,” can easily lead to apathy or cynicism or both. New things that in turn lead to a new experience…